In the modern world of business, it is useless to be a creative, original thinker unless you can also sell what you create - David Ogilvy “The Father of Advertising.”

The Television Commercial is an evolving entity. The simple T.V. advert has grown into a separate genre that can make or break a product. The advertisement is now a movie genre in its own right. Here movie making, film techniques, knowledge of the product and end audience comes into play.

At Avant GardeOmnimedia we know exactly how to position your products. Our belief is that each ad should contribute to the image of the company and we do exactly that. We will not make a cinematic marvel that will not fetch you customers. Our way of making ads is not to make just a movie but to make a movie that sells your product while captivating your buying audience and enthralling prospective new buyers. In other words it’s not going to be just an ad… its going to be a vision campaign sure to land you new interested clientele.

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