
Writing can generally be done by anyone. However for the purposes of advertising, script-writing or website design oriented writing the writer must be able to state only what is required. This does not mean that there should be no humor in the writing, by all means one could make one’s audience laugh but the end purpose must always be to attain maximum exposure for the client and not to beat around the bush. The writing must be unobtrusive, it must not be distracting ,it must be to the point and it must be believable.

Writing is always inspired but writing without research will prove to be aimless and mere myth like cold fusion. Much research is required in order to have originality and creativity. As much as any other copywriter would like you to believe that writing copy is an art, it is sadly untrue. Copy is meant to sell something, and it is designed to make a point. Creativity has its place but good copy writing is always a showstopper, it is a sales proposition that is hard to refuse. This is what we believe here at Avant Garde Omnimedia.

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